Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rough Week

Well Mr. man must be reading my posts lately on how fantastic he's been doing because he caught a bad cold. I'm about 99% sure he caught it from a nurse who decided that it would be OK to come to work congested. Deep breath in.....deep breath out. He had a fever of 102 a few days ago and was on oxygen around the clock. At least he has a nice bed where he could chill out and watch cartoons most of the day.
We tried to make the most of things and had a birthday party for Brownie. She turned 8 years old and we all wore our party hats.

Autumn made her a birthday cake in a bowl with crackers, meat and cheese. Talk about spoiled! We love our big brown dog.
Today Isaac has improved greatly and is on room air in the 90's. 
I'm not used to having him attached to oxygen and an oximeter around the clock these days so I must say that was REALLY hard. Isaac also lost his 2nd tooth, but both times they ended up missing or he swallowed it so the tooth fairy didn't come. It seems strange to me that he's losing teeth because he doesn't seem that old. I forget sometimes that he is. 


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