Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Adventures

Whenever I mention that we are "going on an adventure" lately to Isaac he gets excited. This means to him that we are getting in the car and going somewhere fun. It used to be that he didn't enjoy getting in the car because it meant that we were going to the Doctor or the hospital. The past 6 months have drastically changed that idea. Even though Isaac is temporarily out of school, he has had lots of adventures and visitors. Isaac's teacher and therapists are coming to the home for a few months during the winter season and this week he made me a nice dish towel with a Christmas tree on it. 
We also went to the conservatory last weekend where a greenhouse was covered with beautiful plants and thousands of lights. Isaac loved the lights and associated them with the "oh Christmas tree," which is what we call the Christmas tree at home. I was a little stressed out about the huge crowd there, but he did well (or I should say I did well). 
A few days ago we went to a party with his school program. I was in awe at how adapted he has become to stimulation in an environment like this. In fact he was the little socialite of the party! One of the teachers said he reminded her of the elf on the shelf.
For a  moment,  I really can't explain.....on our way home I realized that I did something fun with my buddy without a nurse and it really wasn't that stressful. Some perspective and growth is coming our way...I can see it! 

Today Isaac met Santa for the first time! I was really bummed because I figured it would be another year where it just wouldn't happen, but a Mom from my special needs group had connections and got us in to see Santa before hours. I could tell that when he put his hand out and waved at him he knew, especially from watching "Santa Claus is coming to town." 
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Krista Robak said...

I just re-read this post and your phrase "no hospital admits" hit me. NO HOSPITAL ADMITS in a WHOLE YEAR??? WOWZA! That is FANTASTIC!!! The best thing I've read in a long time!