Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Trying The School Bus

This week we are trying out the morning bus to see how Mr. Isaac does. So far he usually has a "I'm not too sure about this" look. 
There are many new sounds on there that are scary to him. Today they made it so that he can sit in a seat next to the nurse. Before he had to sit in the back in his wheelchair by himself far away from her. That wasn't going so well. He still loves school and has melted the hearts of many with his sweetness. I'm still amazed that he's doing all this. It seems like yesterday his social outings consisted of appointments or going to the PICU. 

 Last week his great grandparents came up from California and Isaac was eating up all the attention. 

I have lots of insurance stuff in the works, including getting approved for this safety bed. The crib is too dangerous for him as he gets bigger. 
also applied for a waiver and and am appealing the decision to cut our nursing hours. In the meantime we look online everyday for an affordable wheelchair van. Most of the good ones are insanely expensive. 

Sister continues to get more grown up by the day. 
Sam and I are looking into having her see a different specialists for an ongoing minor chronic health problem that we've tried to resolve for years. It gets frustrating when they tell you the same thing over and over again and there's still a problem. I am a researcher (thanks to Isaac) so I've been trying to find things on my own. Please pray for her and us with this issue. 

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