Sunday, April 1, 2012


Spring starts to come out, but keeps turning back into rainy and windy days. Seriously, this Mama needs some sunshine!

Isaac's IEP meeting went well this week. I usually get all depressed after those meetings, but my perspective has changed greatly over the past year or 2. I know that he has multiple disabilities and believe me I have days when I wish things were different. Isaac doesn't dwell on the fact that he has those limitations. He's happy to be with the ones he loves and do the things he "can" do.

That's what matters.

Lately I've been adding some new choices to Isaac's ipad that I know he understands. When he chose "outside" yesterday, I asked him again if he wanted to go outside and he did his "yes" salute. Only his close peeps know that when he does a salute it means he's saying "yes." Because of his hand limitations it's difficult for him to make a fist and nod "yes," so that's his own sign for it. He really enjoyed playing on the swing and then shortly after that it started raining.
Then it was time to snuggle!


Anonymous said...

I love it that you are communicating with us Isaac. You know what you want. You have a mind of your own. I can tell, smart boy.

Love, Gammy

The VW's said...

Great job Isaac! You are such an amazing boy! Glad you had fun swinging and snuggling! : )