Friday, April 27, 2012

Chillin' At The Hospital

Isaac is still chillin' at the hospital. He doesn't seem to mind laying down with his toys watching, movies and having RT's and nurses dote over him. He enjoys playing a song for them with his little piano. His strep pneumonia has improved greatly, but he's tested positive again for Cdiff. I tried to see if they could give him a different set of antibiotics this time and they gave him probiotics 4 times a day, but he still got it. Isaac's 02 needs will have to go down a notch and then I'm hoping to get him home by Monday.

Sister has her on and off days with her stomach issue called mesenteric lymphadenitis She has missed a lot of school because it hurts or she feels sick. Now that we have a diagnoses, the Dr. finally referred us to a GI specialist. Hopefully they can help us out because I feel bad for her.  My husband is pretty upset with the Dr's who are dragging their feet to get him in for hernia surgery. In the meantime he's feeling grumpy and in pain:) 

My attitude understandably pretty much stinks lately, but sometimes there are bright spots to the day, such as cards that came in to Isaac's hospital room yesterday or when Isaac's teacher came by this morning to drop off a meal. 

Still trying to keep the faith that things can only get better from here:))


Junior said...

Feel better big guy.

Colleen we are keeping all of you in our prayers, you sure have your hands full.

Anonymous said...

Hey, little man, Gammy is always praying for you and your whole family right now, and for grace and peace for your Mama during this difficult time. Even Gammy is starting to feel the stress of too many people to worry about at the same time. Love all of you. These problems should all eventually work themselves out.

Love and prayers,