Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Last night Isaac had a spa day with Mom. He was cooperating for me this time so I cut his hair short. Now he doesn't have the curly locks and it's weird seeing him with straight hair!
After 2 months of training and fill-ins it looks like
we have finally arrived with the home nursing situation. There's a nice nurse trained for Mon, Tues mornings and another for Wed, Thurs, Friday mornings. Autumn approved of the nurse who came over yesterday and told me that she was "awesome." Getting big sisters approval is very important!


Anonymous said...

Oh Isaac, where's your curly locks?! You look different! I can't wait to see you next Tuesday. I look so forward to seeing everybody. And, you look so cute no matter how your hair is!

Love, Gammy

Alicia said...

I love the straight hair look, but I love the curly hair too! Either way, he looks sweet as ever.

So glad the nursing situation is finally ironing out. I'm sure it is so frustrating, more than you can say on here.

Have a great day!