Sunday, July 4, 2010

An Update And A Happy 4th Of July

Happy 4th Of July!!

We've been busy, busy around here....lots of appointments and enjoying the summer when we are not going to an appointment. Autumn just earned her red black belt, which means that she is 2 belts away from being a black belt.....look out!! I'm so proud of her!

Isaac didn't do as well as planned with the lasix wean. He gained close to a pound in 2 weeks in just fluid alone. His lungs got a little junkie and he's been needing more oxygen. The Pediatrician put him back on a potassium sparing diuretic, so hopefully that will help him and we can go back to his previous respiratory status.

Next month he's going to have a bronch and a look at his ear tubes. The ENT also discussed the possibility of having his adenoids removed during that time. The Opthamologist may also re-open his tear ducts, since his eyes have been really "goopy" lately.

Other than the medical drama he's a happy boy and is rolling around everywhere. I almost have to childproof the living room because he sometimes disappears. A couple of weeks ago he rolled off the table right after I gave him a bath and gave me the scare of my life! Luckily he was OK.


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th everyone! Isaac, you should be thankful you are an American special needs child. Many children in other countries don't have the medical help and educational opportunities for special little people like you, so Happy Birthday America!

Love, Gammy

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Praying for Isaac. It is good to hear that he is happy and rolling around! Happy Fourth to everyone!

Alicia said...

Way to go, Autumn, that's awesome!

Sorry to hear about Isaac struggling. I'm praying the new med works and he can get some relief.