Saturday, June 21, 2014


It's finally summer! The rain has left and the sun is shining. We had a rough couple of weeks there where Autumn and I got took turns with an awful virus. It seemed very much like a flu with a high fever and not being able to eat or drink hardly anything. We both almost ended up on IV fluids due to dehydration. Sam had to take a week off of work since I was pretty much laid up on the couch. Anyway, moving on. It's time to have fun now! Little miss is on a trip to Texas with her Aunt and Grandma.  I will miss her to pieces, but I'm excited for her! 

Isaac still loves riding in his new van. He now knows what it means when I say "does Isaac want to go in the car?" He excitedly gives me his "yes" gesture. Now that we are all well hopefully there are more adventures in store. I can already tell my back and shoulders are not on pain anymore since having the van it's literally been a lifesaver! 

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