Isaac's IEP meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday. I just can't believe it's that time already, but next month is his birthday. How is that possible? Since Isaac was in survival mode for the first 3 years of his life and he's staying healthy more often, I feel as if I can talk about more goals for him. His therapies are all home based...he has 2 PT's, 2 OT's, a speech therapist and a teacher. Most of them are from the school district and a couple of them are from private therapy. Some days I just want to pull my hair out when the doorbell keeps ringing throughout the day. There are people in my house all the time, including the nurses. Aaaaaah! I just gave up on putting my face on and getting out of my pajamas....they've all seen me at my worst!
The teacher and I are discussing the possibility of him attending a classroom that has other medically fragile preschool kids for just 1 or 2 days a week during the summer. We have to get the Dr's approval for him to go there because awhile back we tried getting his approval and he said no way! That was when he was getting way more respiratory illness though.
Can you believe he's only been to the ER and to an outpatient procedure all winter and not 1 hospital admit! Last year he spent a total of 6 weeks in the PICU......not fun! I have to say, when they sent us home with that dreaded bi-pap last winter I swore that I would just put it away in my closet. I was upset that we would have to get attached to 1 more thing. Then after discovering that his co2 levels were up the roof, we tried using it at night. It has made such a difference in his overall respiratory status. Room air during the day, not as many pneumonia's, he recovers from a cold quicker....the list goes on.
No sweet pictures today, I thought I would quickly post because my daughter has a yucky virus and a fever. I thought Isaac was getting a cold, but he's doing good now. I'm trying to take care of them both and keep her away from her brother. Pray that the rest of us stay well!
Yay on the distinct lack of hospitalizations. :). And I so know what you mean by not even caring any more about looking ok with the nurses/therapists. LOL I am always in pjs...sometimes I snooze in the room while they are working with Dakin.
Keep going Isaac!!!!!! And everyone stay well!!!
Love hearing all the good news, go Issac. The bipap has made a huge difference in keeping Junior healthy also.
School and he's been healthy I love it all .. School is the absolute best thing for my girl. I hope he gets the okay from his doctor but if not.. it will come in time and it's worth the wait. My friend lost her little sweet boy last week because of the flu he was medically fragile so waiting awhile is worth it if he has too. It all sounds great!! Summer time sound like the safest time of all for reduced germs really smart planning if you ask me. love it.
I can totally relate to having all the people there. This post sounds so similar to the life Lillian has had as well. She went to classes all by herself last year, the teachers and therapists all met with her independently. since she is in a classroom now, she really loves it, but she is just a snot fountain all the time and I wonder about her being in the classroom. I still don't know that I would have put her in if she still had her trach.
Thats how we've been this winter, no one in our family has been sick at all! Its crazy. This next year Jax is kindergarten age, and I need to decide if I'm ready to let him go to a classroom. Although the classroom is where I still draw the line with him, he's doing so much, that I think it may be beneficial. If he gets sick more than once in the first couple weeks, we'll pull him out!
Wow, he's doing great!! Praying our little buddy can keep it up!! <3 <3
HOORAY for better health! So fun to think about what the future holds for your little guy!
Way to go little man! I know God has his hand on you all the way. You were looking good when I saw you yesterday, getting heavier and stronger. I love the way you let me know that you want to get down and roll around. It's good because it lets you get stronger on your own time.
Love, Gammy
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