Sunday, February 27, 2011

What's He Trying To Do?

Because Isaac has very low tone in his arms, legs and trunk, he's never been able to crawl or get up on all fours by himself. Lately he's been doing this new thing where he gets up on his elbows, tries to lift his little bottom up and then starts to rock back and forth. You can see that this is very hard work for him. Maybe there is crawling in his future after all! Every milestone in life is HUGE! Never ever take mobility for granted.


Team Carter Jay said...

Oh My Gosh! That is so pre-crawling if you ask me! Go Isaac!!!

Michelle said...

I totally agree with TCJ, Woo hoo!

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

So cool. I think that would be crawling. Wysdom kind of does that. Way to go!!!

my life: said...

That brings tears to my eyes! Way to go big boy!!!

Lacey said...

Look at him go!! Wow! Over here we definitely don't take mobility for granted!

Anonymous said...

Go Isaac, go! You have always had great determination and good teachers and Mama. I know you can do it. I believe in you.

Love, Gammy

The VW's said...

WOW! Look at him! I know he can do it! So happy for you, in this awesome progress!

April said...

Oh my goodness! That is awesome! Way to go little Man!