There have been some big changes going on around here. Isaac is doing so well lately and he's been on room air (no oxygen) most of the time. He wears his PMV like a champ and his sats have been great. His Pulmonologist has approved for us to decrease the amount of nebulizer treatments he gets during the day. This will certainly make life easier for everyone, including ME. It requires some multi-tasking to make dinner, help with homework, laundry, dishes and balance a medication schedule. I've been able to make his schedule more Mommy friendly and Isaac friendly too so that he has more time to play!
The nursing situation has taken a drastic turn as well. There are new nurses in training right now and we are hoping to find a good nurse. Autumn is excited to have the job of asking the nurses important questions and telling me later what she thinks of them. It's so cute to see how protective she is of her brother. She's trying to think of some good questions for them. Needless to say the next month or so will be interesting with new people in the house. I could use some prayer that we find someone who works well with us and Isaac. I know that God is in control and he always takes good care of us, I have no doubt that he will provide.
Oh, you will have so much more time with less nebs!! I hope you can find a nurse that works great. We had ours, but no longer get nursing hours! I had one that I had to ask never to come back!
That does sound fabulous Room Air wow. I hope things keep on improving he deserve it. I bet you will be blessed with a wonderful nurse.
Yay for room air!!!! And Autumn is sweet...Isaac is lucky to have such a great sister!!
Less nebs = YAY!!! We used to do nebs 3 times a day for Gavin, and now we only have to do them 1 time a day, unless he is sick. This change alone, made our days so much easier! Hope it goes great for you guys! And, hope the nursing is a blessing as well! Autumn sounds like such a great big sister! :) Hugs!!
HOORAY for room air!!! Good luck finding the right fit with nursing!!
Yeahhh Isaac, so happy to hear you are getting to spend time off oxygen.
Prayers that you find the perfect nurse.
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