Little Man
Little man is still plugging away in the PICU and hasn't been doing very well at all. Over the past 3 days he has had a high fever, tons of secretions, chronic diarrhea and needing bipap/vent 24/7. Along with already having a pneumonia, he developed a bad case of C-diff. Today his fever was down and his oxygen needs are down a little too, so that's good. I did get a little smile today when I sang him his favorite song"twinkle, twinkle little star" and he still wants to play his counting game, but he only had the energy to count to number 3. Poor guy!
It's hard seeing him look so lethargic. I miss having him at home when he's alert and happy and wanting to play with his toys. I just want to scoop him up and bring him home to his own environment, but I know he has to be there. So far there is no indication as to when he will come home. They have to hopefully wean off of the bipap support and decrease his oxygen.
Autumn has been missing her little brother lately since they don't allow siblings to visit right now due to cold and flu season. Poor girl! It's been over 2 weeks! I have a photo book that has her picture in it that I put in his hospital crib. When he was feeling better he would light up and wave at her picture when I said it was Autumn. Awww, sibling love.
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers during this hospital stay. Some have asked if there is anything they can do for us and at the moment having your support and prayers is more than we can ask for.
Please know I'm praying daily for your sweet boy. ((Hugs))
Issac I am so sorry to hear you are still having a hard time and in the hospital.
Lots of hugs and prayers.
Oh Colleen-
Each time I see a new entry from you, I so hope to read that you and Isaac are finally home. Our longest stay with Ian has been 8 days and that about did us all in... I can only imagine how much this is wearing on your family. Please now that prayers and thoughts, all the way from California are with you. Hugs from Colleen and Ian (Isaac's astrological twin buddy ;-)
Little Man Iam praying for you to recover quickly so Mamma can have her bunndle of joy home for Christmas love to all of you please keep me posted if you need anything
I hate this for you guys, I am so sorry. I am praying for you all. Especially that Isaac gets better and comes home very soon.
The Galbraith Family said...
We are thinking of you, praying for you and are here for you.
Bryce, Andrea, Ariel & Joshua
Colleen, the stay in the PICU is going on too long isn't it. I hope he turns a corner soon and you get him home to cuddle in front of the tree. I love your music "I'll be home for christmas". I hope that's right where he will be. I'm praying for him.
I just came across your blog and wanted to say your precious Son is in my prayers!
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